Isolex Business Technologies

ATM Program Overview 

Benefits of Installing an ATM:
  • Increased Revenue:  Earn surcharge fees and reduce card processing costs. 
  • Customer Convenience:  Provide easy cash access, increasing foot traffic and sales. 
  • Merchant Benefits: New income stream from ATM surcharges. Reduced transaction fees. 
Free Placement Program:
  1. Our Responsibilities:  Provides compliant ATM, optional cash provision, and maintenance. 
  2. Merchant Responsibilities: Ensure a safe environment, provide communication and power, and manage cash if opting for Merchant Cash Placement. 
  3. Support and Security: Installation and training provided. - Online reporting and alerts for cash replenishment. - Security measures like bolting and removable cassettes. 
Contact Information:
 For more details, reach out to Jason Zachrich at 419-729-3889 or